This multi-color necklace is made of Faience or
Egyptian Paste and Wood Beads. The center bead
is a 1 1/2-inch x 3/4-inch Turquoise Blue Faience
Bead with .999 Silver Clay inclusions. The Brown
Wood Beads are 3/4-inch in diameter. The two Lapis
color beads are made of Faience and they are 7/8-inch
to 1-inch in diameter. The beads are on a 23-inch black
cord with a Silver Plated barrel clasp.
Faience or Egyptian Paste is an ancient form of clay.
Items form King Tutankhamun's Tomb were made of
this form of clay. The unique property of this clay is
that the glaze is in the clay and it comes to the surface
once the clay is fired.